Painters 2017

Tatiana Lushnikowa

Born in Penze, in the middle of Russia, Tatiana’s work is rooted in the grand tradition of the Russian plein air movement.  She was drawn to painting as a child and loved the smell of oil paints. Influenced by her art-loving father, Tatiana studied at the art school in Penze before moving to Saint Petersburg.

Despite a shaky grasp of English, Tatiana quietly showed her adventurous side, joining in on all the excursions and was enthused by what she saw. She mentions that “I am inspired by the new places, being surrounded by the sea and of course the sun.”

Tatiana says, when asked about her methods, “I prefer painting in the open air. I love painting landscapes. But I try and convey my emotions and my personal impressions in my paintings.” Her paintings expressed the immediacy of a particular moment like an intimate snapshot. Her talent was in capturing the sharp shadows cast by the rooftops, the brightness of the clothes and the debris- strewn beach. “Different places need their own effects and feelings, and Lamu has inspired me with its brightness and colour. I find myself using lots of white and blue.”

Whilst she found plenty of forms, imagery and people to paint during her time on the island, Tatiana reflects that she was most inspired by the life of the fishermen on the beach, when the tide was at it’s lowest point. She says it is because “they are so interesting and different.”

On her return to Saint Petersburg, Tatiana is planning an exhibition of her Lamu paintings. “I think it will be a wonderful theme that will be of interest to Russians artists and viewers.”

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