Painters 2017

Sibylle Bross

Despite professing her preference for painting people and the human form, during her stay in Lamu, Sybille produced a series of evocative oil depicting the overlooked corners of Shela life. From the view out of Peponi Hotel to the swimming pool at Jannatan Hotel she boldly captured the light and vibrant atmosphere. Her portrayal of the shady pegola at Banana House had the owner, Banana, in raptures.

Sybille’s distinctively bright paint palette and broad impressionist brush strokes perfectly captured the tropical heat and prettier aspects of the Island. She said that she found her paintings to be more colourful under the African sun and they seemed to dictate a looser style. Instinctively drawn to the more attractive elements of Lamu, she managed to create as she says “a syntax of what I see guided by the rhythm of the movement.”

From an artistic family and passionate about her painting, Sybille has had a long artistic career that including three years studying at the Beaux Arts in Paris. As well as painting, she has also designed and created jewellery.
A second-time participant in the Lamu Painter’s Festival, Sybille fitted right into the island vibe with her African inspired cap and funky outfits. Her familiarity with the sometime erratic tempo of daily life during the three week stay made her a great help to the Festival organisers. She took on the daunting task supervising the final hanging of the ever-expanding exhibition at Baitil Aman. The impromptu gallery soon became a popular attraction for tourists and locals alike.

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